Friday, May 29, 2009

Message from Honduras

We received a message from Yovany Munguía just after supper time this evening. I have pasted it below.

"Thanks a lot to Jehovah God that love so much to Honduras (and type of earthquake on the sea, horizontally and no vertically movement of the plaques), we don't have big troubles, destruction or thousands of Hondurans dead. Thank you to you for your permanent praises for Honduras. In the Mataderos tribe there are some destroyed houses and others that are damaged, but all the people that you know are fine. The school building survived the ¨temblor¨ without problems.

There may be problems of communication in the next days, for the movement of the submarine cables that transmit Internet and long distance calls, but in the next week, all will be good (in this aspect)."

I also am reprinting parts of an article (translated from the Spanish) that was on the La Prensa web-site this afternoon.

La Prensa May 29, 2009, 6:01PM
by: Tatiana Paz Morel - -- tatiana.pazt SPAMFILTER

Seven people are reported dead after the earthquake of 7.1 degrees on the Richter scale at 2.24 in the morning of Thursday, I caught the vision to Hondurans and filled with fear.

Damage to property

The authorities of the Standing Committee on Contingencies, Copec, was demolished about 80 houses, three affected bridges and a hospital, 16 schools, eight public buildings, two hotels, seven churches, factories and nine damaged.

The greatest damage to the road network in the country, authorities reported on Public Works, was the rupture of the old bridge La Democracia, El Progreso, Yoro, was impassable and therefore must be reconstructed.

A newly paved stretch of highway CA-5, which links San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, was cracked in Santa Cruz de Yojoa. The road network also suffered breaks in Omoa and Puerto Cortés.

Property of the courthouse was damaged. Although the tremor was felt with more intensity in the Bay Islands and La Ceiba in these areas are not reported significant damage.

The origin

The earthquake occurred at latitude 16.78 north and 16.16 degrees east longitude, the epicenter was 10 km deep and was caused by movement between the Caribbean plate and the North American plate, as the director of the department of Geophysics of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Gonzalo Cruz.

The strong shaking which lasted about 30 seconds, was felt throughout the country and caused panic among the people who took to the streets in many areas but the power was interrupted.

Damage as reported yesterday
Injured 17
Houses destroyed 80
Houses damaged 175
Bridges damaged 3
Schools damaged 16
Public buildings 8
Hospitals damaged 1
Hotels damaged 9
Church damaged 9
Park& damaged plants 7
Airport 1
Potable water system 2

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