proved to be no cell phone service anywhere around the village of La Laguna
during the week, so there was no mid-week report. Gordon & David are now back in Yoro for
the night.
Gordon said, “We had a good time up in La Laguna. I saw about 100
patients ( including 6 this morning! -- they had walked for 3 hours to get to
the clinic.) David did a lot of book work for us, and Joel walked all over,
signing up women for the sewing classes that we are planning for January 2017.”
They went to the vocational school, CEVER, after getting to Yoro (Their
driver, Osman, took them there and really liked the place!). They got
a tour from the director as well as discussed kindergarten furniture. Next they plan to go to the
student boarding house.
Tomorrow they will travel back to San Pedro Sula to spend the night
& then fly back on Saturday.
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