Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Message from Yovany, of Sustainable Harvest

This was received by email Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010 7:19 PM

Dear Dr. Gordon:

I was with the group for three days (Sunday 21 thru Tuedasy 23). They didn´t have problems in arrive to Honduras. Only Richard DeNise had problems with the connection and arrived at 9:10 PM, but we was to Yoro City, the next day, for joint with the rest of the volunteers group.

We realized three trips La Habana-La Laguna, for mobilizate the 10 persons and 20 big bags!, with medicines, school suplies, clothes and other materials for families and students. Too, we moved materials and 4 volunteers (Richard, Brian. Dena and Marco) to Quiloma, where thay will wotk in repair and construct a new fences to Primary School in the community.

About Andy (Andres), he is incorporate to group since the 21. He, with other peace volunteer will work in prepare a proposal about the clinic and possible traspass to medical NGO or public health department of Yoro. It´s only a proposal that they elaborate with Tribe Council for to give NYHelp for analyze. Too, he will work in construction of fence in La Laguna school some days.

That´s are all for this time. All them are working now!!


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